Q: I’m using the Anabolic Reload Mass Workout and really feel the high-rep set first on the big exercises, like bench presses. I’m only 30, but I’m wondering if a few weeks down the road I should try using stretch-exercise-first workout in Chapter 8 [The Over-40 STX Workout] to get some new freaky mass?.
A: New research says absolutely. Not only will that high-rep stretch set first help you activate more fast-twitch fibers on the heavier sets that follow, it will also trigger a unique layer of muscle mass…
According to Brad Schoenfeld, Ph.D.,
This is the first study I’m aware of that shows that a relatively modest loaded stretching protocol produces significant hypertrophy in humans.
The study authors said,
This study demonstrates that stretch training is a viable modality to alter muscle architecture…decreasing pennation angles and increasing muscle thickness. [Scand J Med Sci Sports, 2017, Jan 30: Epub ahead of print]
What the heck does that mean? Back to Schoenfeld:
At least some of the growth was due to the addition of sarcomeres in series–as opposed to in parallel growth, which is predominant in traditional training protocols.
So stretching and stretch-position exercises can create new muscle mass on a whole new level.
Interesting that legendary bodybuilder Tom Platz, who had some of the freakiest quads ever, emphasized stretching and stretch-position exercises often in his training. Here he is demonstrating sissy squats…
The Anabolic Reload drill for quads in the Over-40 STX Workout is a definite freaky mass inducer, especially if you’re not used to a stretch move first…
Sissy squats x 20
Squats or Front squats, 8, 6 R/P 3
That entire STX stretch workout, with an initial stretch-position exercise for every major muscle, is on page 27 of Anabolic Reload–and it should get you sore and pack on mass galore. Extra stretch-induced freaky mass is a big reason Platz’s legs had jaws hitting the floor…
Check out the new Anabolic Reload Mass Workout e-book HERE.
It’s jam-packed with information that can help you get the best muscle gains of your life.
For more on 3-move Positions of Flexion–midrange, stretch and contracted–see the official POF mass-building manual, 3D Muscle Building. You’ll learn the 3-exercise protocol for each target muscle, along with many complete POF workouts HERE.
Till next time, train hard–and smart–for BIG results.
–Steve Holman and Jonathan Lawson