Q: I’ve been using the Ultimate Fat-to-Muscle Workout, and getting fantastic results. My muscles have become more defined, so I look bigger, yet my bodyweight is the same. I’ve read your Power-Density e-program as well, and it makes a lot of sense. My question is, Do you think the negative-accentuated fat-to-muscle method is good for Density? Maybe that’s why it’s working so well after my heavy sets.
A: The bodybuilding truism is, Lose that last 10 pounds of fat and look 20 pounds bigger. That is, a more defined physique creates the illusion of size—and that’s what you’ve done. Here are pics of Jonathan’s back, which looks much bigger in the second more ripped photo, but he actually weighs a little less…

While it sounds like you’ve added some muscle, the real key is that you’ve burned off significant fat, so you look much bigger due to new detailed muscularity.
As for your question, negative-accentuated (NA) sets are unique in that you use a lighter weight and longer tension time, as in Density, but you create more microtrauma in line with Power sets. For the uninitiated, with NA sets you raise the weight in one second and lower it in six, so you are “accentuating” the negative stroke of every rep.
The slow negatives cause muscle microtrauma, and that microtrauma triggers metabolic momentum during the muscle recovery process outside the gym.
Your body burns calories (bodyfat) as it repairs the damage over a few days—a lean-machine
So, yes, NA sets are excellent as a Density size stimulus, plus you get a bonus Power edge. That’s one of the reasons the Ultimate Fat-to-Muscle Workout works so well at not only burning fat but also packing on mass.
Two things about NA training: It works best on big, multi-joint exercises because those are the moves that engage the most muscle fibers—like bench presses, rows and squats…
Also, we suggest doing no more than two NA sets for a bodypart at any workout, as they can produce severe muscle soreness if you overuse the technique.
That’s why in both the three-day program and the four-day program in The Ultimate Fat-to-Muscle Workout we have only one NA set for each muscle group—and most of those are on
Till next time, train hard—and smart—for BIG results.
—Steve Holman and Jonathan Lawson
Testosterone prescriptions do more HARM than good for older men
Millions of men are struggling with the problems associated with low-T in today’s world, such as extra belly and chest fat, low energy and stamina, lack of sexual desire, ED problems, and loss of muscle.
Sadly, millions of men also turn to Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) to try to overcome these problems and try to feel like a new man again…BUT there are some VERY concerning problems with TRT that every man NEEDS to know.
After reading the article below, you might want to consider alternate routes of boosting your T levels naturally instead of through something that’s potentially as harmful as TRT…
–> Why Testosterone Replacement Therapy can do more HARM than good (for any ladies reading this, please pass this on to your husband or boyfriend if they are using or have considered using TRT)