Here’s a unique shot of Frank Zane onstage looking like a statue of physical perfection. [Read more…]
Look Bigger With NA Workouts
Q: I’ve been using the Ultimate Fat-to-Muscle Workout, and getting fantastic results. My muscles have become more defined, so I look bigger, yet my bodyweight is the same. I’ve read your Power-Density e-program as well, and it makes a lot of sense. My question is, Do you think the negative-accentuated fat-to-muscle method is good for Density? Maybe that’s why it’s working so well after my heavy sets.
A: The bodybuilding truism is, Lose that last 10 pounds of fat and look 20 pounds bigger. That is, a more defined physique creates the illusion of size—and that’s what you’ve done. Here are pics of Jonathan’s back, which looks much bigger in the second more ripped photo, but he actually weighs a little less…
[Read more…]Pumped to the Max: Look Big All Day Long
Q: The 4X Mass Workout is awesome! I feel and look big and totally pumped all the time, and I love it. I know I’m getting bigger from every workout, but will I get stronger too [using the 4X method]?
A: The 4X Mass Workout is designed to get your muscles as big as possible as quickly as possible. It’s why a number of pro bodybuilders use it or something similar the last weeks before a contest (there’s more on that in the e-book). You will gain some strength, but that’s not the PRIMARY objective of 4X training…
The 4X mass method is a supersaturation size-building program. Use it for four to six weeks as we suggest in the workout and we guarantee you will look big and GROW.
For those not familiar with 4X, you pick a weight with which you can crank out 15 reps, but you only do 10. Rest 30 seconds, then do 10 more, and so on until you complete four sets of 10 reps in less than FIVE MINUTES…
As we mention in the 4X Mass Workout e-book, you get a BALANCE of power and density on the first exercise, but the fatigue is fierce as you move through a bodypart workout. It rapidly turns to a major density hit for the key 2A growth fibers [the 4X e-book explains that, but you may have skipped right to the programs, which is what a lot of trainees do—they can’t wait to hit the gym with the workout.]
If you’re worried about using medium poundages instead of heavy weights, there are a few ways to incorporate power-building sets into the 4X Mass Workout. See the Q&A chapter in that e-book. One way is to do the first BIG exercise as a power pyramid instead of in 4X style.
With or without those pure power sets, 4X will give you a blast of new mass fast!
Till next time, train hard—and smart—for BIG results.
—Steve Holman and Jonathan Lawson
Over 40? Read This Now!
One of the most interesting read-me pages on Testosterone and other muscle-building hormones we’ve seen is The Truth About Testosterone.
It even talks about a fruit, a specific part, that can up your T naturally. Cranking up your testosterone will not only get you jacked in the gym, but in the bedroom too—not to mention help rip up your midsection as it ignites fat burning. If that interests you, there’s more from our colleague and registered dietician, HERE.
Swole Patrol: Look Bigger After One Workout
Q: I know this is a weird question, but can a muscle get bigger after only one workout? I’ve been using the X-centric Mass Workout for only a week, and I swear I look bigger in almost all of my muscles. Is it my imagination? I am motivated so maybe my mind is playing tricks on me.
A: Well, when you use negative-accentuated techniques, it produces more microtears in muscle tissue, which leads to soreness. A sore muscle definitely FEELS bigger. But is the muscle really fuller and larger?… [Read more…]