Q: I’m into high-intensity training, doing one all-out work set per exercise. But I just read your 3D Muscle Building e-book and see the logic in Positions-of-Flexion mass training. Do you think I could combine the two and get good mass results doing one work set for each of the three positions for each bodypart? Like, for my quads, I would do squats (midrange), sissy squats (stretch), and leg extensions (contracted), one all-out set for each.
A: That’s an excellent way to get acquainted with the mass-building power of 3D POF. In fact, we’ve used a similar program over the winter years ago with good results. The only problem was that when motivation was low, which it can be when it’s cold outside, gains aren’t so great. To make that 3D triple HIT approach build muscle as quickly as possible, you have to be gung-ho and train every work set like it’s the last set of your life. Summer is probably a better time to lock in that mindset.
An excellent 3D HIT program is outlined in our X-traordinary Arms e-book (pages 35-39, and available for FREE in the package listed below)—one all-out work set for each of the three positions for each bodypart; however, it has biceps and triceps specialization routines inserted, which contain a few more work sets. If you want to do standard 3D HIT routines for arms, plug in the following instead:
3D HIT Biceps
Midrange: Barbell curls, 1 x 9-12
Stretch: Incline curls, 1 x 9-12
Contracted: Concentration curls, 1 x 9-12
3D HIT Triceps
Midrange: Close-grip bench presses, 1 x 9-12
Stretch: Overhead dumbbell extensions, 1 x 9-12
Contracted: Pushdowns, 1 x 9-12
Do two progressively heavier warmup sets prior to your one all-out midrange set (barbell curls for biceps and close-grip bench presses for triceps). Do one lighter warmup set prior to your stretch-position move. No warmup necessary for the last exercise, the contracted-position exercises.
Push all work sets to absolute failure and add X-Rep partials when you can’t do any more full-range reps—for example, down near the bottom of close-grip bench presses.
You may also want to vary the rep ranges at some workouts for even better mass gains. For example, on all of your big midrange moves, pack on more weight and do seven reps (plus X Reps where applicable); on your next exercise, stretch, do 9 to 11 reps; and on your last exercise, contracted, do 12 to 17 reps for some serious tension and occlusion to end with a big, skin-stretching pump.
As we mention in many of our e-books, longer occlusive tension times can pack on muscle size quickly, especially if it’s something you’re muscles aren’t used to. Remember, one small change can ignite big new gains.
Till next time, train hard—and smart—for BIG results.
—Steve Holman and Jonathan Lawson
The Anabolic After-40 Muscle-Size Manual contains new mass-building XRX workouts featuring Pure Positions of Flexion mass training with moderate-weight 3X density sequences plus rest/pause X-Reps. In addition, you’ll get 3 FREE bonuses—“20 Pounds in 10 Weeks Blueprint,” “Anabolic After-40 Bodyweight Edition,” and “X-traordinary Arms.” Add them all to your mass-building library for a limited-time price ($100 value) of ONLY $15 HERE.