Q: I like the idea of training quads by doing front squats supersetted with back squats. My quads get almost a pre-ex effect from the strict fronts, then my glutes get better leverage on the backs to drive my quads for more growth. But I’m not very strong on fronts and can get a lot of reps when I immediately go to back squats after. Should I just do high reps on the back squats—say 6 on the fronts and 12-15 on the backs?
A: Definitely an option—if you don’t get too breathless. When training quads with higher reps, the lungs often fail before the target muscles. That’s a problem, to a degree…
You do want the breathlessness, as that’s hypoxia that can boost metabolic/anabolic drive for new size. Here are a few other options…
1) DXO on the back squats. Do your six reps on front squats; then on back squats, use the Double-X Overload tactic. Squat to the bottom, drive
2) X-centric on the back squats. After six reps on front squats, shoulder the bar, then lower in six seconds and drive up in one second. Use that slow-down-fast-up tempo on every rep. The negative emphasis will cause micro trauma in the growth fibers, triggering remodeling and thickening.
–> DXO and Stage Sets are discussed along with many more mass tactics and complete workouts in Beyond X-Rep Muscle Building, only $9 right now.
Till next time, train hard—and smart—for BIG results.
—Steve Holman and Jonathan Lawson
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