Q: Okay, I’m moving into my late 40s, and I’m tired of all the joint pain from training heavy—shoulders, knees, hips. You name it! I’m from the lift-heavier-to-build-mass philosophy. But from all the research I’ve been seeing, it appears I don’t have to train very heavy at all to add plenty of muscle. I’m excited to try it, and I know you guys have been preaching about how these methods pack on mass for a while, but how should I start my transition?
A: No transition necessary. If you’re hurting that much, you should go right to the easy-to-follow 4X-style workouts. The relief—and new muscle gains—will amaze you (even younger guys should try a four-week all-4X phase for new growth)…
First, you should pick two to four exercises for each muscle group. If you know our writings, you know we usually prefer three moves per muscle: Positions-of-Flexion mass training…
In case you’re not familiar, you do a big (compound) midrange exercise, a stretch-position exercise, and you end with a contracted-position exercise…
For triceps, it would be close-grip bench presses (midrange), overhead extensions (stretch), and pushdowns (contracted). [There are complete POF 4X mass workouts in the 4X e-book.]
For each exercise, do a 3X or 4X sequence—either standard or downward progression…
Standard 4X: Pick a weight with which you can get 15 reps, but only do 10. Rest 40 seconds, then do 10 more. Rest 40 seconds, and do 10 more. Rest 40 seconds, and go to failure on that last (fourth) set. If you get 10, add a bit of weight to that exercise at your next workout.
Downward-Progression 4X: Take your 15RM, but do 12. Rest 45 seconds, add weight and do 10. Rest 45 seconds, add weight and do 8. Rest 45 seconds, add weight, and try to get 6.
Simple. As we said, you can do two to four exercises per muscle group. And you can train each muscle two to three times a week, depending on your recovery ability.
And those two moderate-weight growth-threshold methods aren’t just for older bodybuilders. When Jordon Williamson was one of our younger trainees, he famously packed on 18 pounds of muscle in 12 weeks using those in combination with very infrequent heavy lifting. [His complete workouts as well as other innovative mass-building programs are in The Ultimate Super-Size Crash Course.]
Remember, you don’t need ultra-heavy weight to make mass gains that are great.
Special Workout Deals…
The 4X Mass Workout 2.0. All you need to know about 4X mass training. Includes complete workouts and an interview with Mr. America Doug Brignole on his new Super-TORQ method. It’s high-end hypertrophic stimulation for incredible mass creation. His complete workouts are here too. Only $9!
The Super-Size Crash Course. See how one man used Downward-Progression 4X, heavy pyramids, and TORQ to pack on 18 pounds of muscle in 12 weeks. You also get complete workouts with Progressive-Speed 4X and the ultra-effective 2-Days-On Diet that builds mass and burns fat simultaneously. Only $10!
Till next time, train hard—and smart—for BIG results.
—Steve Holman and Jonathan Lawson
One Hormone Trick That Will DOUBLE Your Fat Loss
Don’t follow another fat-loss strategy until you’ve read this…
If you’re struggling to burn belly fat no matter how much cardio you do or how “clean” you eat, then listen up… Because you’re likely committing one of these 3 feminizing fat loss fails… And they’re killing any chance you have of achieving your most impressive physique to date.
Even though these 3 Feminizing Fat Loss Fails have probably been a part of your fat-loss programs in the past, here’s the good news… They don’t have to define your fitness journey anymore because…
Starting today, you can take a revolutionary new approach to getting lean without damaging your metabolism, shriveling up your male hormones, or spending endless hours on the treadmill…”
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