Respected hypertrophy and strength researcher Chris Beardsley has a thought-provoking insight on training to failure…
When doing reps to failure…the number of recruited motor units increases over the course of the set, reaching its maximum level when we reach our maximum tolerable perceived effort. However, since both negative feedback from the body as well as the corollary discharge contribute to the perception of effort, the number of recruited motor units at muscular failure can vary widely.
So a trainee with a low pain tolerance may not be activating as many fast-twitch fibers at the end of a set to failure as someone with a high pain tolerance who can grind out a few more tough reps.
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Till next time, train hard—and smart—for BIG results.
—Steve Holman
Former Editor in Chief, Iron Man Magazine
Trick Your Body into Burning More Fat
If you’re struggling to burn belly fat no matter how much cardio you do or how “clean” you eat, then listen up… Because you’re likely committing one of these 3 feminizing fat loss fails… And they’re killing any chance you have of achieving your most impressive physique to date.
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