Q: For some reason I can’t feel standing hammer curls. I’ve tried them one arm at a time and even on an incline bench. Is there a variation to get that aspect of biceps development?
A: While hammer curls do hit the biceps, they also bring in the brachioradialis, the muscle on the tops of your forearms, as well as the brachialis, the muscle that snakes under your biceps and can enhance peak…
In Old Man, Young Muscle I recommend doing hammer curls on an incline for better stretch; however, I can no longer use that movements because it irritates my bum shoulder…
Luckily, I’ve noticed even better gains—in mass and peak—by using a concentration hammer curl at one of my workouts. I’ll start with standard unsupported concentration curls—standing bent over, an Arnold favorite…
After one high-rep set, 20-second rest, then another lower-rep set in Speed style with the same weight and supination, I’ll reduce the weight for a third set and do it hammer style. This photo is from the internet, so it’s not me. I do it standing as in the concentration-curl pic above, not with upper arm against thigh…
The three-set concentration-curl routine is a quick and efficient biceps workout—and I feel it much better than any hammer curl variation I’ve done in the past. Give it a try for more arm size. You may get biceps like this—but you’ll have to change your oil frequently…
Your Efficient Mass-Building Handbook : For complete mass workouts that include Speed Sets, the ideal exercise for each muscle, and the best stretch and contracted add-on moves, get your copy of Old Man, Young Muscle.
And you still get The Muscle-On, Belly-Gone “Diet” ebook FREE for a limited time when you add Old Man, Young Muscle to your mass-building library. Go HERE.
Till next time, train hard—and smart—for BIG results.
—Steve Holman
Former Editor in Chief, Iron Man Magazine
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