Q: In [Never Stop Growing] you talk about stretch moves, saying that the growth they produce may be short-lived. I’m not a newbie, so should should I keep rotating them in as you suggest in the workout?
A: The growth near the insertions of a muscle may be short-lived, but only in some muscles. For example, it appears calves grow best with stretch overload…
Here are a few other reasons you should continue to rotate in stretch exercises in your workout…
1) Variation in fiber recruitment. While some muscles may not get the insertion hypertrophy, changing the angle and torque curve can better innervate some fiber bundles due to unique leverage.
In other words, multi-angle training is a good thing, as it can add new “layers” of size to a muscle; however, if you can or want to only use one exercise per muscle, choose the ideal—you get some stretch and some contraction.
2) Range of motion. If you don’t do a freehand stretching routine, incorporating stretch-position exercises can keep you flexible as well as build more size—like with semi-stiff-legged deadlifts. A recent study showed just that…
Alizadeh, et al., compared resistance training with stretch exercises to freehand stretching routines. They found the same range-of-motion (ROM) benefits for both. (Resistance Training Induces Improvements in Range of Motion: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, 2023)
ROM is important for injury prevention as well as better muscle-fiber activation in your workouts. You will be a more massive Gumby with stretch loading…
NOTE: For a list of stretch-position exercises for each muscle, see page 20 of Old Man Young Muscle 2. A list of contracted-position exercises is on page 16 and ideal on page 11.)
I’ll have more on this in future newsletter.
Till next time, train hard—and smart—for BIG results.
The brand new Never Stop Growing is here—guaranteed to get your workouts into major mass-building mode.
It’s the result of a multiple-year dialogue that resulted in key training tactics that crated stunning gains for us both.
Here are a few of the chapters…
- Mr. America’s TORQ Training: A look at Doug’s early Tension Overload Repetition Quantity method
- Less Volume, More Muscle: The precise amount of science-backed training you need for optimal hypertrophy
- Reduce Intensity for More Immensity: How many sets you should push to all-out muscular failure for maximum growth
- Size Surge With Less Fatigue: Why corralling muscle fatigue is the ultimate growth effect
- More or Less Rest Between Sets for Mass: Innovative ways you can combine powerful methods for hyper hypertrophy
- The Ultimate Mass Workout: This precision mass-training program features a full-page photo representation of each workout
- Rotation for Recuperation: A unique retro split method to coax more growth from each of your workouts—developed and used by champion ‘70s bodybuilder Frank Calta
PLUS: For a limited time, you get The Ultimate Mass Workout Reloaded absolutely FREE
It features the stealth “reload” method, a unique way to quickly bring up specific muscles.
You also get the amazing New Wave Full-Body Workout, an innovative take on whole-body training.
For more information on Never Stop Growing and The Ultimate Mass Workout Reloaded, go HERE.