Q: I just got The Ultimate Fat-to-Muscle Workout e-book because of all the positive feedback I’ve seen. Looking over the program I notice that it’s a four-days-per-week system, but you only hit each muscle once. Is that really going to be enough work for each bodypart? I really want to lean out quickly and still build muscle.
A: If you traumatize a muscle enough, it will require several days for full recovery. And that’s one of the goals with that program…
The bodypart routines in The Ultimate Fat-to-Muscle Workout incorporate pyramids plus X-centric and high-rep training. Each of those is stressful in its own way…
Not to mention that you use full-range Positions of Flexion. That means you hit the target muscle with STRETCH overload as well, which produces a lot of fiber trauma on its own.
The most productive muscle damage occurs with the X-centric sets—on both the midrange- and stretch-position exercises…
Remember, an X-centric set is lifting in one second and lowering in six. The six-second negative on every rep is a sure way to produce the microtears in muscle fibers that trigger remodeling (hypertrophy). You will get sore…
And that soreness is a good indication of fat annihilation. That’s because studies show that to repair the microtears, the body uses some body fat. It’s lean-machine metabolic momentum to make your bigger, cut, and more vascular…
In fact, if you aren’t getting sore after each workout, you may not be training hard enough and/or maybe you need to do a few more X-centric sets.
If you’re getting TOO SORE, you may need the three-days-per-week version outlined in the Fat-to-Muscle e-book.
Everyone’s recovery ability is different, so it may take some experimentation for best size-and-shreds creation.
Triple-Shredded Deal: Remember, the leaner you are, the bigger you look… Right now you can get all three of our best-selling fat-loss/muscle-building, abs-getting, vein-splitting e-books (X-traordinary Abs, X-treme Lean, Fat-to-Muscle) together at their lowest prices ever HERE <==
Till next time, train hard—and smart—for BIG results.
—Steve Holman and Jonathan Lawson
Testosterone prescriptions do more HARM than good for older men
Millions of men are struggling with the problems associated with low-T in today’s world, such as extra belly and chest fat, low energy and stamina, lack of sexual desire, ED problems, and loss of muscle.
Sadly, millions of men also turn to Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) to try to overcome these problems and try to feel like a new man again…BUT there are some VERY concerning problems with TRT that every man NEEDS to know.
After reading the article below, you might want to consider alternate routes of boosting your T levels naturally instead of through something that’s potentially as harmful as TRT…
–> Why Testosterone Replacement Therapy can do more HARM than good (for any ladies reading this, please pass this on to your husband or boyfriend if they are using or have considered using TRT)