Q: I notice that you have overhead presses in The Ultimate-Mass Exercise Guide. I thought they were dangerous and damaging to the shoulder joint. Why did you flip-flop?
A: It’s only half a flip-flop. Let me explain…
I mention that the latest research shows the medial-delt heads dominate during the bottom half, with the front delts taking over to push to lockout.
Also, the top area of the stroke is the most dangerous. It can cause compression of the shoulder-joint capsule.
So if you do overhead presses, don’t go to lockout. In fact, I recommend only moving just above halfway up to keep the medial-heads as the prime mover.
Also, keep your elbows slightly in from of your torso to avoid any possibility of joint impingement.
That means behind-the-neck presses are absolutely no dice. “Danger, Will Robinson.” (geezer reference: “Lost In Space”)
The next question may be, Where do I put the dumbbell partial press in the new POF mass-training protocol?
Ideal + Stretch Positions + Contracted Position
Check page 60, the New Positions-of Flexion Exercise Matrix. Notice Keanu Reeves doing sissy squats in a trench coat. Okay, not really (semi-geezer reference: “The Matrix”)….
Go to the delt section, and you’ll see…I left it out. It was intentional though. Look at it compared to the cable high pull…
On partial presses the resistance is driving straight down. On cable high pulls the resistance has you pull back. So they are different, with the high pulls being more pure contraction; however…
Because the position of the upper arm on partial presses is similar to the top of a cable front high pull, you can rotate them as your contracted-position exercise.
Note that in the partial press photo above, Jonathan could move a bit higher, bottom of dumbbells just above his head. That would put his upper arms just a bit higher…
But for safety, avoid the area above that. My right shoulder actually plays a painful version of “Pop Goes the Weasel” up there.
The dumbbell partial press is another way to get some change to gain in your boulder-shoulder routine.
Grow with the latest mass-building research:
Old Man Young Muscle 2 is here, giving you insight into most recent hypertrophy studies, how to apply them to your training, and a complete mass-building workout featuring STX, Speed Sets, and X-Reps. And for a limited time, you can get The Ultimate-Mass Exercise Guide FREE, which includes a New Positions-of-Flexion Workout. This is a $29 value, but for a limited time you can add both ebooks to your mass-building library for only $19 HERE.