Q: The new ebooks are fantastic. I followed Doug Brignole before his death and also you. Really great information. I appreciate that you suggest add-on exercises to the ideal and make the case for which ones are best. One question: My triceps are weak/flat, so should I train them one side at a time [to avoid bi-lateral deficit]?
A: First a salute to Doug—miss you and your insightful knowledge, my friend. As for your question, you make a good point….
Bi-lateral deficit states that training one-limb at a time is best, as it directs more nerve force optimal fiber activation in the target muscle…
In other words, unilateral training is more efficient. Of course, it’s impossible for some muscles, plus it takes more time. Luckily, it works well for triceps…
I rarely train my triceps one side at a time because they’re a fairly strong body part for me. But in your case, you should definitely give it a go.
Here are three of the top triceps exercises from the POF routine in the Guide…
You can do each move one arm at a time. If you only have dumbbells, use these synergistic moves for total mass stimulation.
Ideal: Lying one-arm extensions
Stretch: One-arm overhead extensions
Contracted: One-arm kickbacks
You’ll do two-set STX on the ideal, then one set of each add-on. Start with your NON-DOMINANT arm, as it will need to be freshest for maximum nerve force…
Do one arm first, all the way through with 20-to-30-second rests. Then do your dominant arm.
That’s four quick sets for one arm, then four for the other. It will take you less than 10 minutes for the full POF unilateral triceps routine—less time that it takes me to pee.
If you follow the OMYM2 workout split, you’ll train ideal + stretch at one workout and ideal + contracted at the next. That will take even less time.
It’s an efficient, quick way to add new eye-popping arm mass. That means you’ll be scaring punks off your lawn in no time—or at least you’ll look good running into your house to avoid a beating.
Grow with the latest mass-building research:
Old Man Young Muscle 2 is here, giving you insight into most recent hypertrophy studies, how to apply them to your training, and a complete mass-building workout featuring STX, Speed Sets, and X-Reps. And for a limited time, you can get The Ultimate-Mass Exercise Guide FREE, which includes a New Positions-of-Flexion Workout. This is a $29 value, but for a limited time you can add both ebooks to your mass-building library for only $19 HERE.