Arnold consoles himself at the beach after being fired as a hospital Candy Striper volunteer due to a joke about candy canes.
The above photo was early in Arnold’s career, hence the mustache and fairly smooth physique. He was still honing his ability to get contest cut at this point…
At his shredded best, he peaked at a bodyweight of a sliced 235 pounds standing 6’2”. Check out this classic outdoor most-muscular shot…
His winning etched physique was a result of rigorous low-carb dieting along with multi-angle training (yes, and a few other things)…
One thing that he realized is that different exercises could affect his development in unique ways, making his physique more complete and detailed (variation in fiber recruitment)…
For example, his biceps training was often dumbbell curls, incline curls, and concentration curls—ideal + stretch + contracted, early inspiration for the efficient Positions-of-Flexion mass-training approach, explained in the ebooks below.
Till next time, train hard—and smart—for BIG results.
—Steve Holman and Jonathan Lawson
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Why choose between the hot-hit muscle-building Old Man, Young Muscle (1 & 2) best sellers when you can get them both?
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