Q: I’m looking for a hot, basic workout that will grow muscle fast. I see lots of people raving about Positions of Flexion, so I thought I’d use a basic POF workout with a proven track record. That would be the 3D Power Pyramid Workout [Chapter 2 in the Freak-Physique Stretch-Overload Workout e-book]. But I want to make a few changes. 1) Instead of 4 days a week, I’ll keep the two-way split and train M-W-F—so Wednesday’s workout will repeat on the following Monday and Friday; 2) I want to use TORQ on the last exercise, the contracted-position move. What do you think?
A: That sounds like a GREAT size-building plan. Here’s why.
The POF 2-way split listed in the Freak-Physique e-book has you hit a lot of bodyparts each day…
Workout 1: Legs, chest, triceps
Workout 2: Back, delts, biceps, abs
By training Workout 1 on Monday and Friday, you get four days of rest between. Workout 2 is all alone on Wednesday. Nice. But you train #2 again on the following Monday. That’s five days of rest.
So it flip-flops that second week: Workout 2 is now Monday and Friday. And Workout 1 gets hit only once—on Wednesday.
Week 1: W1, W2, W1
Week 2: W2, W1, W2
A great bodybuilder from the ’70s named Frank Calta used that very recovery-oriented split. He called it Rotation for Recuperation—and it works! One group of bodyparts gets two workouts the first week, the others get only one. The next week it reverses. And so on…
Blast each workout hard, and you can’t help but GROW…
Another reason your idea is so good is working in TORQ. You’ll be training the big midrange exercise and the stretch move with heavy sets, so ending with high-end hypertrophic tension time on the contracted-position exercise will help prevent over-stressing your nervous system and give you unique mass stimulation…
For the uninitiated, TORQ is tension-overload repetition quantity—three sets consisting of 30, 20, and 15 reps with 45 seconds between….
So with TORQ on the last move, you get high-end tension time for sarcoplasmic expansion—much different from the heavier training on the other exercises, midrange and stretch. It’s a different pathway for packing on ultimate SIZE…
That means you’ll end each bodypart with a HUGE pump—very motivating and important for extreme hypertrophy.
In the original 3D Power Pyramid Workout, we have the contracted moves as 1-2 x 8-12. That gives you SOME sarcoplasmic expansion with the continuous tension of these exercises, but nothing like TORQ. [See The 4X Mass Workout 2.0 for more on TORQ.]
Bottom line: From our experience, your 3-days a week POF Power tweak should MASS up your physique BIG TIME. Let us know how you GROW.
Till next time, train hard—and smart—for BIG results.
—Steve Holman and Jonathan Lawson
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