Great shot of young Arnold daring his boss to fire him as he shows up to the office shirtless yet again.
Arnold is only about 20 in the photo above, but he already has plenty of size and bodybuilding proportion….
His training style had a lot to do with that…
We’ve mentioned that Arnold hardly ever used a slow rep cadence in the gym—his reps were almost always rapid-fire, what we call Speed Sets…
One benefit to those 1.5-second reps is that the turnaround, where you move from the negative stroke to the positive, is more abrupt.
That quick reversal of movement at the stretch triggers the myotatic reflex, an emergency response from the nervous system that engages more fast-twitch fibers to prevent possible injury.
That was one of the reasons Arnold got big fairly quickly. He knew instinctively that a faster rep cadence felt best on most exercises.
For more on Speed Sets and how to implement them in your workouts—you shouldn’t always use them—see Old Man, Young Muscle.
—Steve Holman and Jonathan Lawson
3 Workouts a Week, 35 Minutes Each for Jacked Mass
The Efficient, Safe Way to Grow
No Matter What Your Age
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