Here’s another interesting quote from Mike Mentzer on steroids and recovery (John Balik photo)… [Read more…]
Mentzer’s High Intensity: Right or Wrong? Part 9
Mike Mentzer’s training concepts work for many bodybuilders. Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates trained in that style… [Read more…]
Speed Sets to Pack On New Muscle
In the last training newsletter, I mentioned that I was always perplexed that the biggest bodybuilders did most of their sets with a fast rep tempo.
Even high-intensity advocate Mike Mentzer, who preached lifting in two seconds and lowering in three to five, used a faster tempo much of the time—1.5 to two seconds per rep. [Read more…]
Mass Mantra #21
Here’s a quote from legendary high-intensity bodybuilder Mike Mentzer (photo by John Balik): [Read more…]