Back in the 1940s and ‘50s, Steve Reeves’ physique was so well muscled with classic lines that he was chosen to be Hercules in the movies.
One of his best physique features was his arms. Reeves didn’t do a lot of sets per muscle group, choosing full-body workouts three days a week, but he did instinctively know the best exercises and angles.
One “secret” to his arm size was stretch position moves, loading the target muscle at full elongation…
The incline curls added extra mass to his biceps due to full stretch. We’re pretty sure it had nothing to do with his argyle socks. LOL.
And the overhead extensions did great things for his triceps fullness, as well as mesmerizing kids.
Stretch overload is a proven size builder. In one study it was the sole reason for “the greatest gains in muscle mass ever recorded,” according to lead researcher, Jose Antonio, Ph.D.
There are some new studies and observations as well, which are discussed in the new ebook. Plus, you’ll see the best stretch exercise for each target muscle in the new reloaded Positions-of-Flexion chapter.
Arnold also instinctively knew that stretch exercises made size surge in every muscle. His massive pecs were in part the result of flat-bench flyes.
And the original Quad Father, Tom Platz, always emphasized sissy squats, even holding the stretch on weighted hack-machine sissy squats.
Exciting stuff. For more, see the new web page HERE.
Till next time, train hard—and smart—for BIG results.
—Steve Holman and Jonathan Lawson
New Release…
For a limited time, you can get the brand-new Old Man, Young Muscle at 25% off (introductory price)
PLUS you’ll get the Muscle-On, Belly-Gone “Diet” ebook F-R-E-E
That’s a two-days-a-week, shred-your-physique eating plan that can recharge your anabolic environment, build more muscle and melt body fat (see Steve’s photo on the cover).
Check it all out HERE