Here’s an eye-opening quote is from former pro bodybuilder Tom Platz, who was third in the Mr. Olympia was third in 1981…
When I first got to California, I thought whatever Arnold does, I’m going to do. That’s why I went there, to study with the masters. So Arnold had a blond girlfriend, I got a blond girlfriend. Arnold drank coffee, I started drinking coffee. I trained with him six days a week twice a day. Here’s what the very best in the world does, I thought, so I’m going to do it. But I got small and fat. I’m depressed. What do I do now? I did what Arnold did, and I got small and fat. I went back to the gym after three weeks off, and I was bigger and stronger. I realized that I can’t train six days a week twice a day. I can train three or four days a week. That was the secret for me.
Recovery ability is different for everyone—and drugs can alter that immensely…
You have to tailor your workouts to your individual recovery capacity. And as you get older, that ability will diminish.
Even with the Old Man, Young Muscle workout, which is three days a week, 35 minutes per session, you may need more or you may need less.
Your intensity also plays a huge role. If you’re one of those balls-to-the wall-at-every-workout bodybuilders, less volume is no doubt mandatory. Platz was an all-out-intensity trainer—and that’s an understatement…
Or you may need to implement a high-intensity/moderate-intensity workout rotation—stopping two to three reps short of failure on moderate days.
OMYM is your efficient fast-mass blueprint: Learn how to accelerate your mass gains with the STX method, Speed Sets, and complete ideal-exercise-based training. The 35-minute workouts also include the best stretch and contracted add-on moves. Get Old Man, Young Muscle.
And you still get The Muscle-On, Belly-Gone “Diet” ebook FREE for a limited time when you add Old Man, Young Muscle to your mass-building library. Go HERE.
Till next time, train hard—and smart—for BIG results.
—Steve Holman
Former Editor in Chief, Iron Man Magazine
Build MASS with bodyweight training
One way you’re guaranteed to pack on stacks of muscle is through a process called muscle protein synthesis (MPS), which more than doubles 24 hours after an intense workout…
Until recently, MPS was only elevated when trainees would lift 70-90% of their one-rep max…
That’s not only dangerous for your joints, but it also sets you up for high injury risk every time you exercise…
It used to be believed that training with your own bodyweight couldn’t get you the same results as training with your 70-90% one rep max… Until NOW.