Okay, it’s not really a secret; it’s common sense that many trainees overlook when they’re trying to get ripped…
It’s meth—kidding! It’s carb cycling, a tactic that’s worked well for me… [Read more…]
Dedicated to Your Physical Transformation
Okay, it’s not really a secret; it’s common sense that many trainees overlook when they’re trying to get ripped…
It’s meth—kidding! It’s carb cycling, a tactic that’s worked well for me… [Read more…]
Q: I need to lose 20 pounds. I’ve gained a bit of a gut during this interesting year, and I have a goal to lose it in two to three months. If I succeed, I should look pretty good for spring and summer. Is that possible? What’s the number-one thing I should do to get it going? I’m stoked to see abs, so I’ll starve if I have to.
A: Well, the first thing you should NOT do is starve by making a huge calorie cut. That’s the big mistake most people make due to excessive motivation and/or impatience. A giant calorie reduction all at once sends your body into starvation mode. That preserves fat and burns muscle tissue—which then slows down your metabolism to a crawl. Not what you want… [Read more…]
Q: Summer is here, so I’m psyching up to try the intermittent-fasting that Steve used to get more muscular and ripped [Super-Size Crash Course e-book, Chapter 8]? I need to get ripped fast. I thought I would try it once a week, and if it works well for fast fat loss, increase to two nonconsecutive days a week as Steve did. Any insights on muscle loss during IF?
No question, we bodybuilders are extremely paranoid about losing even an ounce of muscle. But don’t worry, you won’t lose muscle with intermittent fasting–you will gain more… [Read more…]
Q: Do you think I could lose 15 to 20 pounds in a month? I have a reunion coming up, and I want to be in a somewhat healthy looking condition. I was 250 last night. I want the fat off. It’s killing me to see this gut—you have no idea!
A: Yes, you could technically lose that much weight, but most of it would be water and muscle—and you probably wouldn’t look much better or feel healthy. We all want fast fat loss, and we’re all impatient when it comes to changing our bodies, but the best strategy is slow and steady… [Read more…]