This photo taken in the ’50s shows the classic lines of Steve Reeves that made him a perfect movie Hercules. The man had excellent genetics, and not just in the looks department. Check out at his wide V taper, small waist and long calves…
So how did Steve Reeves train? Full body three days a week. Interesting. Research shows that training like Reeves is one of the best ways to jack your anabolic environment and build eye-popping mass without drugs (Reeves was completely drug-free).
And because of that high anabolic affect, it doesn’t take many sets per exercise to pack on mass fast…
In fact, Steve Reeves won the 1950 Mr. Universe with only four weeks of full-body workouts, taking a day or two off after each. True, he was rebuilding mass, but still an incredible feat. He gained almost 20 pounds of muscle in that month. Full-body workouts are tough, but true anabolic dynamite…
Here’s what Gabriel Wilson, Ph.D., and Jacob Wilson, Ph.D., said about the results of a study that showed impressive results when subjects trained with full-body-style workouts:
Training large bodyparts before smaller ones increases the smaller bodyparts’ growth… Coupling lower- and upper-body exercises increases muscle growth and testosterone receptors within skeletal muscles.
Overall growth from every workout! That’s a major reason full-body workouts work so well—systemic anabolism due to training your muscular system as a whole rather than breaking it up.
Why not try a triple hit each week for every muscle for one month to see how much you can grow? One of our favorites is the Phase 1 Size Surge program.
That program is our most popular for winter mass building, with its basic workouts using only a few heavy sets per exercise.
For a different approach to full-body anabolic workouts, you can gain big with a higher-rep slow-twitch set followed by a lower-rep fast-twitch one. That’s our STX method, slow-twitch exhaustion, which we outline in our newly expanded Quick-Start Muscle Building ebook.
The new STX workouts in that ebook are two different full-body workouts using only moderate poundages so you save your joints. You can alternate the workouts Monday, Wednesday, and Friday or attack them on only two nonconsecutive days a week—we like Monday and Thursday.
Each workout is tailored to build muscle with the anabolic STX method with only basic equipment. All you need is an adjustable bench and dumbbells…
You can add this newly updated ebook to your mass-building library by clicking HERE.
Till next time, train hard—and smart—for BIG results.
—Steve Holman and Jonathan Lawson
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