This shot of Freddy Ortiz from the early ‘60s shows his incredible genetics. Freddy often trained at the iconic Vince’s Gym in Studio City, California.
Ortiz followed the training principles of that gym’s owner, Vince Gironda, the legendary Hollywood trainer who helped us formulate our own density mass methods—moderate poundages with short rests between sets.
Here’s a quote about Freddy’s training from that shows Gironda’s influence…
Freddy always placed an emphasis on the mind-muscle-connection; he made sure to concentrate on his lifts and perform exercises slower in order to achieve full activation of his muscles. This meant that he performed more reps and lifted less weights than other bodybuilders in his era.
Studies show that best muscle-building results occur with a slower rep cadence—lift in one to two seconds and lower in three.
And you don’t have to use joint-crushing poundages, which means you will be able to train hard through old age while still building muscle. If you don’t think that’s possible, check out this photo of Freddy Ortiz at age 78…
Try 4X density training for mass-building-longevity success. For loads of motivating info and programs…
> The 4X Mass Workout 2.0 is available HERE.
Or for our other favorite density method, check out STX growth-threshold training in our latest retooled ebook, that includes many mass-building home-gym workouts…
> Quick-Start Muscle-Building Guide 2.0 is available HERE.
Till next time, train hard—and smart—for BIG results.
—Steve Holman and Jonathan Lawson
Mass-Building Lessons From the Original Iron Guru
Vince Gironda was the Iron Guru, a bodybuilding legend ahead of his time. His most famous pupil in the bodybuilding world was the very first Mr. Olympia Larry Scott, and he also trained many Hollywood stars back in the day, like Clint Eastwood, and even Arnold consulted with him and was a fan (even though Vince told Arnold that he was a “fat f**k” when he first arrived in the U.S.).
Many of Vince’s mass-building tricks and methods have been forgotten, buried by information and misinformation overload on the Internet, but now you can find them all, his true methods, in this must-have, 330-page Vince Gironda e-book anthology…
You get everything from “Train 21 Rest 7” to 10-8-6-15 to Vince’s Stone Age Nutrition, the 8×8 method and program and much, much more (remember, it’s 330 pages). And it’s on sale at a discount for a limited time: Simply use the code GIRONDA20 at checkout for an extra 20 percent off.
Vince Gironda: Legend & Myth (300-page anthology + many bonus gifts and programs) HERE