Larry Scott was the very first Mr. Olympia, and while his entire physique was excellent, it was his arms that had people shaking their heads in disbelief… [Read more…]
Moment of Bodybuilding Zen 9: Larry Scott’s Arms
We’re not sure who took this shot of the very first Mr. Olympia Larry Scott, but it looks like it’s in a gym at a seminar perhaps…
[Read more…]Small Bones, Big Arms
Q: I’ve been training like a madman for six months, but my arms haven’t budged. I’m getting stronger, and I do see more veins on my biceps, but my arms are still skinny. A guy at the gym told me it’s because I have small bones. My wrists are under 7 inches around, and he said I can’t expect much size with small wrists. Is that true?
A: Um, in a word, NO. It’s not true. The size of your wrist has nothing to do with where your biceps and triceps attach, how much muscle-fiber density your muscles have, or your ability to pack on muscle mass.
[Read more…]3D Arm Assault: Sky-high Biceps
Q: I got all of your e-books, which are absolutely fantastic by the way, and in 3D Muscle Building I notice that your arm workouts are very short. I’m interested in sky-high biceps, but I’m worried that four or five sets once a week isn’t enough. If I want to specialize, should I add more sets?
A: While everyone’s work capacity and recovery ability are different, keep in mind that a recent study showed that only three sets of barbell curls deplete more than 70 percent of the glycogen stores in the biceps. And that exercise is lacking continuous tension!
[Read more…]