We’ve mentioned our friend and colleague Doug Brignole, who recently won the 2019 Drug-Free Mr. Universe Open division at age 59. Below is a great shot from that contest. It’s proof that old men can build plenty of muscle… [Read more…]
Ideal Triceps Exercise
A few newsletters ago we discussed the ideal biceps exercise based on Mr. America and Mr. Universe Doug Brignole’s factors grounded in physics and biomechanics. Now let’s look at the ideal triceps exercise… [Read more…]
“I thought you’d be bigger”
You may recognize the quote “I thought you’d be bigger” from the movie “Roadhouse.” Patrick Swayze, an ass-kicking bouncer, got that a lot because he had a tough-guy reputation but wasn’t big….
Maybe you can relate. I can… [Read more…]
Moment of Bodybuilding Zen 98: Bruce Lee’s Kick-Ass Muscle
Bruce Lee wasn’t a competitive bodybuilder, but his physique stunned those who witnessed it in peak condition. [Read more…]
Size and Shreds Now: Jacked Fat-to-Muscle Workout
Q: I know that the short rests between sets with 4X get your fat burning jacked with growth hormone. How can I use 4X in The Ultimate Fat-to-Muscle Workout for a double-whammy? Where would you suggest I put it, or should I use it at all?
A: The Ultimate Fat-to-Muscle Workout has you train each muscle group only once a week. That’s because you use heavy sets as well as X-centric and high reps for more fiber microtrauma—which encourages fat burning as well as muscle-fiber remodeling…
[Read more…]