We put a lot of faith in scientific studies. I’ve tried to base most of my training beliefs on research, but just how reliable is it? [Read more…]
Add Forward-Lean Laterals for Shoulder Size
Q: In many of your workouts, you suggest forward-lean laterals. What are those, and why should I use them instead of regular standing lateral raises [for medial-delt-head mass]?
A: The deltoid is a unique muscular structure. It controls the movement around a ball-and-socket joint, so the fibers wrap around the area in bundles, moving in many directions. You can see that in this photo of Jonathan… [Read more…]
35-Minute Mass Workouts: Dual Power-Density
Q: I’m using The Basic Power-Density Workout from your Power-Density Mass e-book. So for most
A: Absolutely. Using one Ultimate Exercise for both the Power and Density sequences streamlines the workout, as you need only one piece of equipment. But if it’s possible at your gym, go to a different exercise for Density—just make sure it’s a big multi-joint move.
Direct/Indirect Training Split: Upper Pec Specialization
Q: The direct/indirect training split is awesome! I think my muscles have always needed more hits per week, but I followed the pros and trained each muscle only once a week. That never worked for me. The direct/indirect training split [in The 4X Mass Workout e-book] has already added new muscle to my arms and shoulders and back. My one problem area is upper chest. I’ve moved upper chest work to the front of my direct pec program. That’s helped some, but on indirect, day when I train triceps, close-grip bench presses are the indirect chest exercise. They don’t hit my upper chest, so should I do close-grip incline presses instead on triceps day?
A: Hmm, close-grip incline presses might be a solution, although we’ve never been huge fans of close grip on inclines. They can be hard on the shoulder joints. Experiment using a light poundage to see if you feel your upper chest kick in on those. There’s another solution supported by recent research that we have tried… [Read more…]
10X Muscle Building Tips
Q: I want to incorporate dips into my chest routine with the 10x muscle building method. How would that work, maybe assisted? I’ve just read that bench dips (for triceps) are bad for the shoulders. If that’s so, are bar dips bad too? Another question: Do decline bench presses really work only the lower pecs? It’s been said time and time again that you can’t work the upper and lower portions of the abs—it’s all one muscle. Why would the pecs be different? By the way, you’ve both been an inspiration to me. Keep up the good work.
A: Great questions. We appreciate your compliments regarding your confidence in our experience and recommendations. Now to the answers… [Read more…]